Monday, May 31, 2010

My Mission


here's the thing
I'm turning 23 this year , and i felt tat i gotta really make a move and make things right this time, before its too late!
and the issue is my WEIGHT!
pass few few weeks i'v been craving and eating a lot which got me out of my lead.
so as for now i'm gonna control my cravings for GOOD! yeah diet & exercise as well!
Shall consume lots of green tea & water ! not overly but enough to flush my system!
Other den that i gotta sleep early hopefully before 12am if possible. haha
I'm giving myself a target to achieve by the end of each week.. and mission i shall achieve to fulfill my own happiness for my own self." YOU JUST GOTTA LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF"

oh btw, i've got like 3 weeks till finals so much to be done and more to come!
that's bout it for now! and alright i shall try to keep an update of each day of the mission =)

till den!
wish me luck!

with love

Monday, May 3, 2010

i feel so lost right now!

this is crappy!
why after so damn long i waited for sumone...
and now yes there is sumone...
and if im going to leave aussie for good den .. it's all gonna be so damnn sad!!
AHH sumoen pls tell me wat to do!
i feel so wrong, so lost, so confused!!!

needs some love